- Parents must please adhere to the collection times for aftercare. Aftercare closes at 17:30 sharp.
- Homework class is compulsory for all aftercare students. Grade 1 – 7 students will have a homework class teacher on duty until 16:00 every day. It is the learners’ responsibility to come to class. There is an attendance register. The teacher on duty will check if the homework is completed. Parents must please make sure that the homework is done correctly for the next day.
- Please note that aftercare students MUST be signed out every afternoon. No aftercare student may wait outside the black gate for their parents to collect them. This is purely for safety reasons.
- No cash payments for daily fees will be accepted. All payments must be made via the Karri App on the day. Please scan the QR code when collecting the learner. If you deposit into the schools’ account for daily use of aftercare, please use your child’s initials, surname + adhoc as your reference.